Interface RemixI18NextOption

interface RemixI18NextOption {
    backend?: BackendModule<unknown> | NewableModule<BackendModule<unknown>>;
    detection: LanguageDetectorOption;
    i18next?: null | Omit<InitOptions<object>, "react" | "detection">;
    plugins?: NewableModule<Module>[] | Module[];


backend?: BackendModule<unknown> | NewableModule<BackendModule<unknown>>

Use plugins instead. The i18next backend module used to load the translations when creating a new TFunction.

i18next?: null | Omit<InitOptions<object>, "react" | "detection">

The i18next options used to initialize the internal i18next instance.

plugins?: NewableModule<Module>[] | Module[]

The i18next plugins used to extend the internal i18next instance when creating a new TFunction.