The request or request.headers to respond to
The handlers to respond with
The response from the handler
export async function loader({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) {
// do any work independent of the response type before respondTo
let data = await getData(request);
return respondTo(request, {
// The handler can be a subtype handler, in text/html html is the subtype
html() {
let result = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(<UI {} />)
return html(result)
// It can also be a highly specific type, also an async function if needed
async "application/rss+xml"() {
let rss = await generateRSSFeed(data);
let headers = new Headers({ "content-type": "application/rss+xml" })
return new Response(rss, { headers })
// The default will be used if the accept header doesn't match any of the other handlers
default() {
return new Response("Not Acceptable", { status: 406 })
Based on the request's Accept header, respond with the appropriate handler. Fallback to a default handler if no match is found.
Note: This doesn't return a Remix's TypedResponse for json, it's always typed as a Response object, this is mostly useful for responding to external requests, not to fetchers or any other function you call in your code.
The handlers to respond with
The response from the handler
export async function loader({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) {
// do any work independent of the response type before respondTo
let data = await getData(request);
return respondTo(request, {
// The handler can be a subtype handler, in text/html html is the subtype
html() {
let result = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(<UI {} />)
return html(result)
// It can also be a highly specific type, also an async function if needed
async "application/rss+xml"() {
let rss = await generateRSSFeed(data);
let headers = new Headers({ "content-type": "application/rss+xml" })
return new Response(rss, { headers })
// The default will be used if the accept header doesn't match any of the other handlers
default() {
return new Response("Not Acceptable", { status: 406 })
Based on the request's Accept header, respond with the appropriate handler. Fallback to a default handler if no match is found.
Note: This doesn't return a Remix's TypedResponse for json, it's always typed as a Response object, this is mostly useful for responding to external requests, not to fetchers or any other function you call in your code.